英文(査読あり) 2016年
Clinical practice guideline for drug-induced kidney injury in Japan 2016: digest version.
Clinical and experimental nephrology2016; 20: 827-31.
Effects of secondary hyperparathyroidism treatment on improvement in anemia: results from the MBD-5D study.
PLOS ONE2016; 11: e0164865.
Relationship between kyphotic posture and falls in community-dwelling men and women: The Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcome in Aizu Cohort Study.
Spine2016; 41: 1232-8.
Identifying patients with bacteremia in community-hospital emergency rooms: a retrospective cohort study.
PLOS ONE2016; 11: e0148078.
Effect of cooking classes for housewives on salt reduction in family members: a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Public Health2016; 140: 144-50.
Functional dependence and mortality in the International Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS).
American Journal of Kidney Diseases2016; 67: 283-92.
Early mortality was high and strongly associated with functional status in incident Japanese hemodialysis patients: A cohort study of the large national dialysis registry.
PLOS ONE2016; 11: e0156951.
Influence of family dynamics on burden among family caregivers in aging Japan.
Family Practice2016; 33: 466-70.
Preferences of young physicians at community hospitals regarding academic research training through graduate school: a cross-sectional research.
BMC Research Notes2016; 9: 227.
Retinal vessel diameters in a Japanese population: the Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcome in Aizu Cohort Study.
Acta Ophthalmologica2016; 94: e432-41.
Detecting central-venous oxygen desaturation without a central-venous catheter: utility of the difference between invasively and noninvasively measured blood pressure.
Journal of Critical Care2016; 33: 257-61.
Influence of staff encouragement on perceived burden of dietary restriction among patients living alone.
Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis2016; 20: 623-31.
Impact of body habitus on operative difficulties during extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
Urology Journal2016; 13: 2519-26.
Serum creatinine modifies associations between body mass index and mortality and morbidity in prevalent hemodialysis patients.
PLOS ONE2016; 11: e0150003.
Influence of acute kidney injury on the time to complete remission in adult minimal change nephrotic syndrome: a single-centre study.
Nephrology2016; 21: 887-92.
Intradialytic ultrafiltration volume and vascular access outcomes: a Japan Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study subanalysis.
The Journal of Vascular Access 2016; 17: 489-93.
Body temperature at the emergency department as a predictor of mortality in patients with bacterial infection.
Medicine (Baltimore)2016; 95: e3628.
PTH-dependence of the effectiveness of cinacalcet in hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
Scientific Reports2016; 6: 23041.
Low testosterone levels and reduced kidney function in Japanese adult men: The Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcome in Aizu Cohort Study.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association2016; 17: 371.e1-6.
Influence of urinary urgency and other urinary disturbances on falls in Parkinson's disease.
Journal of the Neurological Sciencs2016; 360: 153-7.