英文(査読あり) 2018年
Association between vision-specific quality of life and falls in community-dwelling older adults: LOHAS.
PLoS One2018; 13: e0195806.
Variations and characteristics of quality indicators for maintenance hemodialysis patients: A systematic review.
Health Science Reports2018; 1: e89.
The association between pancreatic fat and incidence of metabolic syndrome: a 5-year Japanese cohort study.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology2018; 33: 2048-54.
Impact of the Mayo adhesive probability score on the complexity of robot-assisted partial nephrectomy.
Journal of Endourology2018; 32: 928-33.
Influence of social determinants of health on patients with advanced lung cancer: a prospective cohort study.
BMJ Open 2018; 8: e023152.
Increased mortality rate after hospitalization among chronic hemodialysis patients: A prospective cohort study.
Nephron2018; 140: 194-202.
Dialysis physicians’ referral behaviors for hemodialysis patients suspected of having cancer: A vignette-based questionnaire study.
PLOS ONE2018; 13: e0202322.
Heart rate, responsiveness to intravenous immunoglobulin, and coronary artery aneurysms in Kawasaki disease.
Journal of Pediatrics2018; 200: 160-65.
Social isolation and patient experience in older adults.
Annals of Family Medicine2018; 16: 393-8.
Association between subjective sleep quality and future risk of falls in older people: results from the LOHAS.
The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences2018; 73: 1205-11.
Development and validation of a prediction model for loss of physical function in elderly hemodialysis patients.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation2018; 33: 1452-8.
Effects of self-monitoring of daily salt intake estimated by a simple electrical device on salt reduction: a cluster randomized trial.
Hypertension Research2018; 41: 524-30.
Independent association between prediabetes and future pancreatic fat accumulation: a 5-year Japanese cohort study.
Journal of Gastroenterology2018; 53: 873-82.
Public subsidies and the recommendation of child vaccines among primary care physicians: a nationwide study in Japan.
BMJ Open2018; 8: e020923.
Development and validation of a prediction model for functional decline in older medical inpatients.
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics2018; 77: 184-8.
Salt intake and all-cause mortality in hemodialysis patients.
American Journal of Nephrology2018; 48: 87-95.
Whole-body computed tomography during initial management and mortality among adult severe blunt trauma patients: a nationwide cohort study.
World Journal of Surgery2018; 42: 3939-46.
Decreased relative dose intensity during the early phase of treatment impacts the therapeutic efficacy of sunitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology2018; 48: 667-72.
Efficacy and safety of third-line molecular-targeted therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma resistant to first-line vascular endothelial growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor and second-line therapy.
International Journal of Clinical Oncology2018; 23: 559-67.
Dialysis‐related practice patterns among hemodialysis patients with cancer.
Health Science Reports2018; e46.
Impact of trajectories of abdominal aortic calcification over 2 years on subsequent mortality: a 10-year longitudinal study.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation2018; 33: 676–83.
Association between accumulation of advanced glycation end-products and hearing impairment in community-dwelling older people: a cross-sectional Sukagawa study.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association2018; 19: 235-9.
Real-life glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin therapy: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study (Diabetes Distress and Care Registry at Tenri [DDCRT 9]).
Journal of Diabetes Investigation2018; 9: 294-302.
Body mass index change and hospitalization risk in elderly hemodialysis patients: results from Japanese Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study.
American Journal of Nephrology2018; 47: 48-56.
Association between daily salt intake of 3-year-old children and that of their mothers: a cross-sectional study.
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension2018; 20: 730-5.
Childcare environment and Japanese children who are overweight in early childhood.
Childhood Obesity2018; 14: 197-206.
Multimorbidity patterns in relation to polypharmacy and dosage frequency: a nationwide, cross-sectional study in a Japanese population.
Scientific Reports2018; 8: 3806.
Screening of primary aldosteronism by clinical features and daily laboratory tests: combination of urine pH, sex, and serum K+.
Journal of Hypertension2018; 36: 326-34.
Effect of patient experience on bypassing a primary care gatekeeper: a multicenter prospective cohort study in Japan.
Journal of General Internal Medicine2018; 33: 722-8.
Association between spinal immobilization and survival at discharge for on-scene blunt traumatic cardiac arrest: A nationwide retrospective cohort study.
Injury2018; 49: 124-9.
Association between post-dialysis hemoglobin level and the survival of vascular access.
Journal of Vascular Access2018; 19: 69-75.
Association between keeping home records of catheter exit-site and incidence of peritoneal dialysis-related infections.
International Urology and Nephrology2018; 50: 763-9.