英文(査読あり) 2019年

Endo M, Kanda M, Sawaki K, Shimizu D, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Hattori N, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Koike M, Omae K, Kodera Y.

Tissue expression of melanoma-associated antigen A6 and clinical characteristics of gastric cancer.

Anticancer Research2019; 39: 5903-10.

Sawaki K, Kanda M, Umeda S, Miwa T, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Omae K, Koike M, Kodera Y.

Level of melanotransferrin in tissue and sera serves as a prognostic marker of gastric cancer.

Anticancer Research2019; 39: 6125-33.

Kanda M, Koike M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Hattori N, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Omae K, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

Modified systemic inflammation score is useful for risk stratification after radical resection of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.

Annals Of Surgical Oncology2019; 26: 4773-81.

Kanda M, Koike M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Omae K, Kodera Y.

Feasibility of subtotal esophagectomy with systematic lymphadenectomy in selected elderly patients with esophageal cancer; a propensity score matching analysis.

BMC Surgery2019; 19: 143.

Omae K, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto Y, Tsutsumi Y, Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S, Furukawa TA.

Publication statuses of clinical trials supporting FDA-approved immune checkpoint inhibitors: a meta-epidemiological investigation.

BMC Cancer2019; 19: 998.

Takahashi S, Ojima T, Kondo K, Shimizu S, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y.

Social participation and the combination of future needs for long-term care and mortality among older Japanese people: A prospective cohort study from the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study (AGES).

BMJ Open2019; 9: e030500.

Ito F, Tsutsumi Y, Shinohara K, Fukuhara S, Kurita N.

Vehicle configurations associated with anatomical-specific severe injuries resulting from traffic collisions.

PLOS ONE2019; 14: e0223388.

Fukuhara S*, Kurita N*, Wakita T, Green J, Shibagaki Y. (*co-first authors)

A scale for measuring Health-Related Hope: its development and psychometric testing.

Annals of Clinical Epidemiology2019; 1: 102-119.

Omae K, Yamamoto Y, Kurita N, Takeshima T, Naganuma T, Takahashi S, Ohnishi T, Ito F, Yoshioka T, Fukuhara S, and The Sukagawa Study Group.

Gait speed and overactive bladder in the healthy community-dwelling super elderly: The Sukagawa Study.

Neurourology and Urodynamics2019; 38: 2324-32.

Yazawa M, Omae K, Shibagaki Y, Inaba M, Tsuruya K, Kurita N.

The effect of transportation modality to dialysis facilities on health-related quality of life among hemodialysis patients; from the Japanese Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Pattern Study.

Clinical Kidney Journal2019; 13: 640-6.

Hara T, Kimachi M, Ikenoue T, Akizawa T, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y.

Intra-dialytic hemoglobin changes and cardiovascular events: a cohort study on Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns in Japan.

American Journal of Nephrology2019; 50 :272–80.

Yamazaki H, Matsuoka K, Fernandez J, Hibi T, Watanabe M, Hisamatsu T, Fukuhara S.

Ulcerative colitis outcomes research in Japan: protocol for an observational prospective cohort study of YOURS (YOu and Ulcerative colitis: Registry and Social network).

BMJ Open2019; 9: e030134.

Takada T, Fukuma S, Yamamoto Y, Shimizu S, Nihata K, Miyashita J, Azuma T, Hayashi M, Fukuhara S.

Determinants of incentive preferences for health behavior change in Japan.

Health Promotion International2019; 34: 760-9.

Tsujimoto Y, Tsujimoto H, Nakata Y, Kataoka Y, Kimachi M, Shimizu S, Ikenoue T, Fukuma S, Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S.

Dialysate temperature reduction for intradialytic hypotension for people with chronic kidney disease requiring haemodialysis.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews2019; 7 :CD012598.

Tsujimoto Y, Tsutsumi Y, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto H, Yamamoto Y, Papola D, Guyatt GH, Fukuhara S, Furukawa TA.

Statistical significance did not affect time to publication in non-Cochrane systematic reviews: a meta-epidemiological study.

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology2019; 115: 25-34.

Deguchi H, Yamazaki H, Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S.

Association between parental history of Helicobacter pylori treatment failure and treatment failure in the offspring.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology2019; 34: 2112–7.

Kanda M, Koike M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Omae K, Kodera Y.

Risk prediction of postoperative pneumonia after subtotal esophagectomy based on preoperative serum cholinesterase concentrations.

Annals of Surgical Oncology2019; 26: 3718-26.

Asada S*, Yoshida K*, Fukuma S, Nomura T, Wada M, Onishi Y, Kurita N, Fukagawa M, Fukuhara S, Akizawa T (* equally contribute).

Effectiveness of cinacalcet treatment for secondary hyperparathyroidism on hospitalization: results from the MBD-5D study.

PLOS ONE2019; 14: e0216399.

Kurita N, Wakita T, Kamitani T, Wada O, Mizuno K.

SARC-F validation and SARC-F+EBM derivation in musculoskeletal disease: the SPSS-OK study.

The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging2019; 23: 732-8.

Ohnishi T, Kimachi M, Fukuma S, Akizawa T, Fukuhara S.

Postdialysis hypokalemia and all-cause mortality in patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis.

Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology2019; 14: 873-81.

Aoki T, Yamamoto Y, Ikenoue T, Fukuhara S.

Factors associated with patient preferences towards deprescribing: a survey of adult patients on prescribed medications.

International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy2019; 41: 531-7.

Iida H, Kurita N, Takahashi S, Sasaki S, Nishiwaki H, Omae K, Yajima N, Fukuma S, Hasegawa T, Fukuhara S, The Sukagawa Study Group.

Salt intake and body weight correlate with higher blood pressure in the very elderly population: The Sukagawa study.

The Journal of Clinical Hypertension2019; 21: 942-9.

Kobayashi S, Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Fukuhara S, Kobayashi S: on behalf of the Japan Stroke Data Bank.

Effect of edaravone on neurological symptoms in real-world patients with acute ischemic stroke: Japan Stroke Data Bank.

Stroke2019; 50: 1805-11.

Tanaka M, Nishiwaki H, Kado H, Doi Y, Ihoriya C, Omae K, Tamagaki K.

Impact of salt taste dysfunction on interdialytic weight gain for hemodialysis patients; a cross-sectional study.

BMC Nephrology 2019; 20: 121.

Kurita N, Akizawa T, Fukuhara S.

Vitality measured as self-reported energy level and clinical outcomes in hemodialysis patients: The Japanese Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Pattern Study (J-DOPPS).

American Journal of Kidney Diseases2019; 73: 486-95.

Kataoka Y, Ikegaki S, Kato D, Takada T, Tsujimoto Y, Sasaki S, Takahashi S.

Scholarly activity support systems in internal medicine residency programs: a national representative survey in Japan.

Internal Medicine2019; 58: 1859-64.

Miyashita J, Yamamoto Y, Shimizu S, Aoki T, Azuma T, Takada T, Hayashi M, Kimachi M, Ikenoue T, Fukuma S, Fukuhara S.

Association between social networks and discussions regarding advance care planning among Japanese older adults.

PLOS ONE2019; 14: e0213894.

Kurita N, Kamitani T, Wada O, Shintani A, Mizuno K.

Disentangling associations between serum muscle biomarkers and sarcopenia in the presence of pain and inflammation among patients with osteoarthritis: the SPSS-OK study.

Journal of Clinical Rheumatology2019 (in press).

Wada O, Kurita N, Kamitani T, Nakano N, Mizuno K.

Influence of the severity of knee osteoarthritis on the association between leg muscle mass and quadriceps strength: the SPSS-OK study.

Clinical Rheumatology 2019; 38: 719-25.

Kimachi K, Kimachi M, Takegami M, Ono R, Yamazaki S, Goto Y, Onishi Y, Sekiguchi M, Otani K, Konno S, Kikuchi S, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y.

Level of low back pain-related disability is associated with risk of subsequent falls in an older population: Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcomes in Aizu Cohort Study (LOHAS).

Pain Medicine 2019; 20: 2377–84.

Matsuoka Y, Ikenoue T, Hata N, Taguri M, Itaya T, Ariyoshi K, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y.

Hospitals’ extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation capabilities and outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a population-based study.

Resuscitation2019; 136: 85-92.

Yamazaki H, Kamitani T, Matsui T, Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S.

Association of low alanine aminotransferase with loss of independence or death: a 5-year population-based cohort study.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology2019; 34: 1793-9.

Kamitani T, Yamamoto Y, Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Kimachi M, Shimizu S, Yamamoto S, Otani K, Sekiguchi M, Onishi Y, Takegami M, Ono R, Yamazaki S, Konno S, Kikuchi S, Fukuhara S.

Association between the discrepancy in self-reported and performance-based physical functioning levels and risk of future falls among community-dwelling older adults: The Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcomes in Aizu Cohort Study (LOHAS).

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association2019; 20: 195-200.e1.

Kamitani T, Yamamoto Y, Kurita N, Yamazaki S, Fukuma S, Otani K, Sekiguchi M, Onishi Y, Takegami M, Ono R, Konno S, Kikuchi S, Fukuhara S.

Longitudinal association between subjective fatigue and future falls in community-dwelling older adults: the Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcomes in the Aizu Cohort Study (LOHAS).

Journal of Aging and Health2019; 31: 67-84.

Matsumura S, Watanabe K, Fukuhara S.

The association between physician’s affiliation and patients’ adherence to their antihypertensive medication and pharmaceutical knowledge.

Journal of General and Family Medicine2019; 20: 19–24.